On 15th and 16th of June the R.I.S.To.VET project staff gathered for the Final Transnational Meeting in the beautiful city of Łódź, in Poland. The project “R.I.S.To.VET: Rural Innovative Sustainable Tourism for VET,” (2021-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000033670), Erasmus+ KA220, is the closing phase, so this meeting was useful in outlining aspects of all concluding activities.
The partners involved in the meeting were WSBINOZ – WYZSZA SZKOLA BIZNESU I NAUK O ZDROWIU (Poland) – who hosted the meeting, VVTA – Living Stone Dialoog, ViaVia Tourism Academy (Belgium), ILI – FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITAET ERLANGEN NUERNBERG (Germany), Co.Net – COWORKING E NETWORKING SICILIA APS (Italy), Ergasia Ekpaideftiki Anonymi Etaria (Greece) and CEIPES (Italy).
The goals of R.I.S.To.VET project were to develop and share the professional knowledge about local-based sustainable tourism 4.0, to involve European VET providers and educational institutions, to design, develop and test a training path in order to be deliverable both for online and face-to-face education, to test the learning tools and to deliver them as the first European-based educational toolkit for sustainable local-based tourism 4.0, available for future tourism professionals and tourism professionals who want to update their competences.
As pointed out during the meeting, the activities under the project were successfully carried out, achieving the expected results, such as the definition of a learning path, the development of educational units, the development of an e-learning platform and the organization of webinars.
The final steps of the project will concern the proper dissemination of the results achieved and the long-term sustainability of the outputs produced. All project partners, including CEIPES (which is the project dissemination leader organization), have confirmed their readiness to complete the final activities on schedule.
If you want to know more and stay updated, you can follow the main Facebook page of the project.